If the thought of you was ever misplaced, I hope you find it here.
fate brought us together
i like to believe that on the very day we met
the stars aligned in perfect formation
our souls walked down the spiritual path
of a holy forest while we were asleep
dipped a toe in
a toe out
and fell in all at once
where they bathed each other's backs with
the desires of their hearts
like music to their ears
they danced.
fate ripped us apart
it was abrupt and left me with unfamiliar thoughts
of experiences my soul felt that night
what do i have to say to you
and how do i say it?
can i pull the words out of the sky and steal them from god?
i've asked him to put them in the lines of my palms but
he burns them instead
there is no moonlight in this forest
for me to find my way home to you
i cannot follow the trail of ashes
to ashes
much like our lost love that's dust
to dust.